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Announcing the Decision and awarding the ranking certificate of Duc Minh Pagoda as a provincial relic

Thứ sáu - 17/11/2023 03:07
On the morning of November 16, 2023, at Duc Minh Pagoda (hamlet 1A, Minh Duc commune, Hon Quan district), Hon Quan District People's Committee held a ceremony to announce the Decision and award the Provincial Relic Ranking Certificate to Duc Pagoda. Bright. Representative leaders; leaders of Party Committees, authorities, branches and organizations of Hon Quan district, Minh Duc commune; Board of Directors and monks, nuns, and Buddhists of Duc Minh Pagoda; Representatives of the Executive Board of pagodas in the district and a large number of people in Minh Duc commune attended the ceremony.
Representative of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism awarded the Provincial Relic Ranking Certificate of Duc Minh Pagoda to local government leaders and the Board of Abbots of Duc Minh Pagoda

Duc Minh Pagoda was built by the French colonialists in 1936. At this time, the pagoda was called Xa Cat Pagoda. In 1972, the Pagoda was destroyed by American bombs, leaving only the Three Entrances intact. In 1993, to serve the religious needs of Buddhists, Xa Cat Pagoda was rebuilt at the old location and named Duc Minh Pagoda. Duc Minh Pagoda has typical historical value, the process of formation and development of the Pagoda is closely associated with the historical periods of Hon Quan land in particular and of Binh Phuoc land in general. The pagoda is where religious activities take place for Buddhists in Minh Duc commune and neighboring communes. The pagoda is a place to witness and mark the process of forming plantations and rubber exploitation activities of the French colonialists, along with policies that brutally exploited the labor of Vietnamese rubber workers. .
Monks, nuns, and Buddhists of Duc Minh Pagoda happily received the Certificate of relic classification

Through the historical process, Duc Minh Pagoda still retains the Three Entrance Gate building built in 1936, this is a typical project of Pagoda architecture built in the Southeast region during the process of development and exploitation. Rubber plantation, has its own unique feature, which is the Tam Quan architecture "upper house and lower gate", this architecture is usually only found in pagodas in the Northern region of Vietnam.
In 2021, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism has directed the Provincial Museum to coordinate with relevant agencies and departments of Hon Quan district and other agencies and departments in the province to build records. Relic science Duc Minh Pagoda proposed to the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to rank it as a historical - architectural and artistic relic at the provincial level.
After completing the scientific dossier components, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism submitted to the Provincial People's Committee a request for provincial-level ranking for the Duc Minh Pagoda relic. By January 10, 2022, Duc Minh Pagoda was ranked as a provincial historical - architectural and artistic relic by the Chairman of Binh Phuoc Provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 47/QD-UBND.
Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Van Ha, Vice Chairman of Hon Quan District People's Committee emphasized: Building a scientific profile of Duc Minh Pagoda relics to request ranking as a historical - architectural and artistic relic is a process. efforts of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the Executive Board of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha of Hon Quan district, the Board of Abbots of Duc Minh Pagoda, the government and people of Hon Quan district and many agencies and organizations , other individuals. Therefore, Party Committees at all levels, authorities, departments, district organizations, and the Abbot of Duc Minh Pagoda need to coordinate closely with the Culture, Sports and Tourism Sector and relevant units of the province to perform well the management, protection and promotion of the value of relics; strengthen propaganda activities about the Monument on mass media; Create favorable conditions for Buddhists and people to learn about the history, culture, and artistic architecture of the Monument.

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