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Binh Phuoc: Propagate traffic safety laws to students and give gifts to families of victims who died in traffic accidents

Thứ hai - 13/11/2023 22:17
On the morning of November 13, 2023, Binh Phuoc Provincial Youth Union in collaboration with Binh Phuoc Honda and Chon Thanh Town Traffic Safety Committee organized a propaganda program to disseminate and educate about traffic safety laws and driving skills. safe vehicles for about 1,000 students at Chu Van An High School, Chon Thanh town.
At the propaganda session, Chon Thanh Town Police officers disseminated basic knowledge about Road Traffic Law to students. Cultural responses when participating in traffic. Voluntarily strictly comply with road traffic rules and how to handle situations when traffic accidents occur. Some administrative penalties for violations in the field of road traffic include: drinking alcohol, not wearing a helmet, racing, swinging, speeding, running side by side, not old enough to drive a motorbike, motorbikes when participating in traffic... At the same time, Honda Binh Phuoc provides guidance on safe driving knowledge and skills.
Through the propaganda session, it helps students improve their understanding of traffic safety laws. From then on, each student is an active propagandist to mobilize relatives and the social community to comply well with the Road Traffic Law.
On this occasion, Binh Phuoc Provincial Youth Union and Chon Thanh Town Traffic Safety Committee also presented gifts to 5 families of victims who died in traffic accidents and are in difficult circumstances. We hope that families will overcome difficulties, actively work, produce, and stabilize their lives.

Students of Chu Van An High School, Chon Thanh Town, participated in a propaganda session for

Chon Thanh Town Police Officers, disseminating and asking and answering questions about the Road Traffic Law for students of

Chu Van An High School. , Chon Thanh town, participating in safe driving skills.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union Le Thi Hong Phan and representatives of Chon Thanh Town Police, giving gifts to representatives of families of victims who died in accidents traffic, difficult circumstances

Nguồn tin: Do Trinh

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