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Chon Thanh: there are 4 products participating in OCOP evaluation and classification in 2023

Thứ hai - 13/11/2023 22:04
On November 9, 2023 , the People's Committee of Chon Thanh town in coordination with departments of Binh Phuoc province organized a conference to evaluate and classify products - OCOP in 2023, under the program "One commune , one ward, one product". - OCOP" in Chon Thanh town.
At the conference, subjects with products participating in the One Commune One Product Program - OCOP in 2023 introduced 4 products registered to participate for the first time: Nabi melon of Nha Bich Agricultural - Service Cooperative; Minh Lap durian of Minh Lap fruit cooperative; Rice cereal of MEDIFOOD.IO Co., Ltd. and 01 Nam Phu Bird's Nest product - Nam Phu Bird's Nest Company Limited (certified by the Provincial People's Committee to reach 3 stars in 2021) registered to upgrade from 3 stars to 4 stars .
Members of the Council for evaluating and classifying products participating in the One Commune One Product OCOP Program of the town and provincial departments have researched and carefully reviewed the products to evaluate and score. The products that are evaluated and classified are considered to have many improvements in quality, diversity in designs, and ensure conditions and regulations on stamps, labels, and product traceability. Products come from the needs of people's lives, raw materials are from agricultural products made by people and are available locally; meet the needs of consumers... This
evaluation and classification is the basis for continuing to complete the dossier and transfer it to the provincial OCOP product evaluation and classification council as a basis for approval of the star level decision. for products. Thereby aiming to improve quality, enhance value, competitiveness in the market and affirm local characteristics.

Representatives of the province's departments and Chon Thanh Town Appraisal Council participated in the evaluation and classification of OCOP in 2023
Representatives of the province's departments and Chon Thanh Town Appraisal Council took souvenir photos with subjects whose products participate in the One Commune One Product program - OCOP in 2023

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