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Nearly 200 students attended the training class "Improving knowledge about rural tourism in building new rural areas in Binh Phuoc province"

Thứ ba - 14/11/2023 02:41
Nearly 200 students attended the training class "Improving knowledge about rural tourism in building new rural areas in Binh Phuoc province"
In November 2023, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism organized 3 training classes  "Improving knowledge about rural tourism in building new rural areas in Binh Phuoc province for nearly 200 leaders and civil servants working at the Department of Culture and Information, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of districts, towns and cities; leaders and civil servants in charge of cultural and social fields at the People's Committees of communes, wards and towns.
Students visit some rural tourist attractions
The training class was held in the districts: Bu Gia Map, Bu Dang and Loc Ninh. Here, the students were taught the basic contents of rural tourism development by Dr. Ho Nhu Ngoc - lecturer at Thu Dau Mot University and Master Pham Huu Hien - lecturer at Binh Duong University. Current advantages and difficulties and orientations for solutions to develop rural tourism in building new rural areas in Binh Phuoc province in the period of 2021-2025.

During the training program, trainees also had a field trip to a number of destinations with pilot models for rural tourism development approved by the Provincial People's Committee in Plan No. 184/KH-UBND dated June 1. /2023.

Through the training program, to help students learn, exchange and equip more professional knowledge and skills to better advise on the task of implementing the Rural Tourism Development Program in the area. conscious.

Nguồn tin: Minh Ngoc

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